Showing 1 - 16 of 16 Results
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6 Sheet Straight Cut shredder for Home use.
Ideal for occasional shredding needs use in home environments.
Personal shredder with safety lock - for light use
11-sheet shredder featuring SafetyLock and easy lift-off top
The HP W1508CC is the ideal paper shredder for your work from home office or it’s for a small department. Featuring an intelligent paper sensing technology, the HP Shredder offers safety, durability and features that will enables efficiency
Moderate duty home / home office shredder with SafeSense® Technology
The compact HP OneShred 12CC cross-cuts your sensitive documents into 4mm x 35mm clippings and belongs in every home office.
Ideal for small or home offices with high volume shredding requirements
The Home/Home Office with 100% Jam Proof & Safe-sense Technology
The HP OneShred 18CC is a reliable paper shredder with a cutting capacity of 18 A4 sheets at a time and is a quintessential feature of any open-plan office.
Security Level 3 (P-4) Departmental Cross Cut Shredder with 5/32" x 1 1/8" cut size, 30 sheet capacity, Ideal for 10+users, also features continuous duty motor